Enterprise Week was organised by Open4business, it enabled us to obtain first hand information from people already within industry and carry out activities to gain a better understanding as to what the industry is really like whether it be via music, business or the arts. The events took place over a period of two weeks, it gave people a diverse range of activities and programmes to look into.
During this time I attended three events; Music Events Management Showcase as I am still slightly interested by events management and as to what this fully entails, Get Connected - how to network more effectively and Women in Business.
The event that i found most interesting was Women in Business, which had guest speakers such as Jenny Shoosmith the manager of House of Frasier and Geraldine Mattis who is the managing director of Geraldine Mattis Limited.
Geraldine Mattis's story I found really remarkable, in that how much she had to go through and how much she had accomplished in such a short space of time, I found her talk really inspirational. She is in fact an inventor, designer and entrepreneur. Geraldine Mattis is one of the leading customising catering products for health conscious adults, parents and children, she has won the special recognition at international British Female Inventors and Innovators award 2009 (BFIIN) and the British Invention Silver Award 2009.
She talked about her troubles with dyslexia and education and previous jobs and work experiences she had undergone and then went onto discuss how she had developed her initial idea through to product development, marketing and networking to where it is today.
In her talk she re-emphasized what the Get Communication event had said about networking as to how important it is and she also emphasized the fact that you need to put in yourself out there, because even if you don't go through big marketing communication agencies just to gout out and meet the right people, making contacts and getting your name across is just as important and can really have an impact on your success.
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